Maestro Brett Mitchell, Part II: John Williams and the Red Honda Civic

Following up on our talk about China, Brett and I got into talking about his life as a conductor, about his upcoming concerts and his future plans. In depth observations about music are interspersed with some more mundane aspects of his life and completely hilarious British wit (Brett's father is from the UK).

Just on the other side of a concert with the Cleveland Orchestra at Blossom - the summer home of the Cleveland Orchestra, it is contagious to hear Brett Mitchell talk about the repertoire he loves. What I didn't expect is how hilarious he is. British humor with a bit of self-deprecating slapstick made me crack up several times during our conversation. 

Aside from his deep love for music and his awesome wit, there is also a very practical side. He explains his day-of-concert routine and the power of napping, a belief I very much share with him. Not being a morning person, he explains why four hours of ramp-up time for an AM concert is a lesson he learned the hard way. My favorite comment of this conversation: "There is never a need to be frightened if one is sufficiently prepared." How very true for musicians and for pretty much anybody! 

And then all this serious talk is followed by his British wit about food!

The highlight and perhaps the most passionate moment of our chat involves (of all things) a little red Honda Civic hatchback of Brett's high school friend. That's where he discovered his love and reverence for the great composer, John Williams. Take a look at this interview taken in front of Severance Hall on a breezy and warm August day!

Watch Part 1 of the interview here.


Schloss Nymphenburg and the Summer Rain


Maestro Brett Mitchell, Part I: China