GOING PLACES - Twice around the World in 6 Months

1 Nov 8 2018 Blog.png

Recently I got invited to come to China to perform, adjudicate and teach. This marks the second tour to China this season, which is shaping into a particularly exciting and busy one.

Some of you might know, that I love to play with numbers, so I took a closer look at my travel plans:

There are a total of 6 long distance tours on my schedule this season, 1 per month from October to March. They come in pairs!

2 trips to China, 2 to California, and 2 to Europe.

Hello from my green room in Zürich!

Hello from my green room in Zürich!

All these numbers got me looking at my flight miles and at my total distances to be travelled during the 2018/2019 season:


Flying from my home base in Ohio to Los Angeles takes a whopping 3560 miles for a round trip journey. Isn’t it amazing how long this journey is? I will travel to LA twice, once in November and then again in March which adds up to a total of 7120 miles. I can’t wait to be back in my old stomping ground!


And then there are my 2 Europe trips tallying up to 14996 miles this season. I just completed the first one to Switzerland in October, and I am going again in January for my Chamber Music Course in Germany.


And now to the biggy Cleveland-Hong Kong. The air distance is about 13769 miles for one round trip. For me this will be 27538 miles since I will be going there twice this season first in December and then again in late January.


My final finding: Traveling once around our beautiful planet Earth makes for a distance of about 24902 air miles. Looking at my 2018/29 concert season I will be flying a total of 49654, and that is the equivalent of TWO TRIPS AROUND THE WORLD - definitely a new record for me!

Many of you ask me if I have any tips on how to travel. I don’t. My best bet is to prepare well, stay healthy, sleep and eat well, and enjoying what I love doing most:

Making beautiful music!


Read about packing for travel here, my first time China experiences here and my 4 favorite China impressions here.


HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Two of my favorite cocktails


What to wear on stage