GOING PLACES - Twice around the World in 6 Months
Recently I got invited to come to China to perform, adjudicate and teach. This marks the second tour to China this season, which is shaping into a particularly exciting and busy one.
Some of you might know, that I love to play with numbers, so I took a closer look at my travel plans:
There are a total of 6 long distance tours on my schedule this season, 1 per month from October to March. They come in pairs!
2 trips to China, 2 to California, and 2 to Europe.
Hello from my green room in Zürich!
All these numbers got me looking at my flight miles and at my total distances to be travelled during the 2018/2019 season:
Flying from my home base in Ohio to Los Angeles takes a whopping 3560 miles for a round trip journey. Isn’t it amazing how long this journey is? I will travel to LA twice, once in November and then again in March which adds up to a total of 7120 miles. I can’t wait to be back in my old stomping ground!
And then there are my 2 Europe trips tallying up to 14996 miles this season. I just completed the first one to Switzerland in October, and I am going again in January for my Chamber Music Course in Germany.
And now to the biggy Cleveland-Hong Kong. The air distance is about 13769 miles for one round trip. For me this will be 27538 miles since I will be going there twice this season first in December and then again in late January.
My final finding: Traveling once around our beautiful planet Earth makes for a distance of about 24902 air miles. Looking at my 2018/29 concert season I will be flying a total of 49654, and that is the equivalent of TWO TRIPS AROUND THE WORLD - definitely a new record for me!
Many of you ask me if I have any tips on how to travel. I don’t. My best bet is to prepare well, stay healthy, sleep and eat well, and enjoying what I love doing most:
Making beautiful music!
Read about packing for travel here, my first time China experiences here and my 4 favorite China impressions here.